Can Europe defend itself from terror ?

In recent years Europe is facing increasing terror threats from various terror groups that link themselves to Isis, El Quaida and more. The immediate question arrising is: Can Europe  Handle the threat of Terror entering to its borders ?

Terrorism in Europe during the 20th century was often associated to Anarchism, acts of violence from far-right and far-left extremists that used bombs, assasinations and also non-violent acts that were aimed to promote a specific ideology.

Since 2001, Europe has suffered from increase attacks linked to terrorism, but the attacks on Betaclan and the Stade de france hits alongside the attacks on March 2016 in Brussels airport and metro station in Maelbeek station, was considered by many specialists to be an opening of a new era for the terrorism on European soil. The residents of Brussels felt heavily the impact of those terror acts by a complete shutdown of businesses and events while soldiers and police were flooding the streets in an attempt to make civilians regain trust in security. Since then there have been many other attacks whether using a truck, a van and also individual attacks againts security forces and civilians.

Can Europe defend itself from terror ?

Most people would say – No, it is not possible. How can I know if tomorrow a terrorist gets up one morning, and deciding on his own to commit an act? Who can stop this?   The answer is divided into two kinds of acts - The obvious one is the Terror organizations that is under the responisbility of the state. The private sector could not handle an orgenization, the prvention is the government of the countery and its governmental assets. the second one is what we call in Moked Matara –

The “Selfie Jihadist”  

The “Selfie Jihadist” is an individual who decides on his own, sometimes without telling his relatives, to commit a violent act due to an extreme opinions. He films himself with his smartphone stating his motives and his agenda. It could be caused by anger towards state authorities, poor life, hate or even depression. There are many causes to this kind of terror, which is the only kind that the private sector can dedect, and handle, with its own resources. In Israel, it has been clear for many years that private security is needed not only for criminal protection. Self-trained terrorists are far more sophisticated the one could think. It has been for a very long time that a terrorist could not be recognized easily by any person, most are actually looking like one of us. A well trained, experienced and professional guard can recognize a terrorist. There are many elements that need to be identified on a crowed of thousands  - In Israel one can always find evidenence of those guards.


It is impossible to find 100% of attackers, No human being can be alert for all the time while seeing thousands of people, there are ways developed by the Israeli security companies such as “Moked Matara” that overcome this challenge. Due to the secrecy of those methods they cannot be mentioned here.

Experience, and past mistakes of Israel, is being implemented by the European authorities by using Israeli experts throughout the past years. Israel, as a country that has suffered many years of terror, has developed unique capabilities of identifications and advanced means to fight terror. The bottom line, whether one belongs to those who criticize Israel or a supporter, the knowledge of this country saves lives on a daily basis throughout Europe, and it is far more important then politics. Would one give up his political agenda, whether right or wrong to defend his loved ones from the radical terrorists?


The writer is a part of the team of  Moked Matara in Western  Europe